-- weapon_vape_golden.lua -- Defines a vape with gold accent and shaded tank -- Vape SWEP by Swamp Onions - http://steamcommunity.com/id/swamponions/ if CLIENT then include('weapon_vape/cl_init.lua') else include('weapon_vape/shared.lua') end SWEP.PrintName = "Golden Vape" SWEP.Instructions = "LMB: Rip Fat Clouds\n (Hold and release)\nRMB & Reload: Play Sounds\n\nAn elegant, golden vape for the classy cloud chaser." SWEP.VapeAccentColor = Vector(1,0.8,0) SWEP.VapeTankColor = Vector(0.1,0.1,0.1) SWEP.Base = "weapon_tttbase" SWEP.Kind = WEAPON_PISTOL SWEP.Icon = "vgui/entities/weapon_vape" SWEP.CanBuy = { } SWEP.EquipMenuData = { type = "Vape", desc = "LMB: Rip Fat Clouds (Hold and release) RMB & Reload: Play Sounds An elegant, golden vape for the classy cloud chaser." }; SWEP.AllowDrop = true SWEP.IsSilent = false SWEP.NoSights = true SWEP.AutoSpawnable = false