if SCB_LOADED then return end local config = scb.config -- -- Chatbox title!@! -- SERVER_NAME will be replaced with your server name -- PLAYER_COUNT will be replaced with your online player count -- EG. -- config.chatbox_title = "SERVER_NAME (PLAYER_COUNT)" -- > Srlion Gaming (1) -- config.chatbox_title = "Semi-Vanilla TTT (PLAYER_COUNT)" -- -- By default it uses 12h format, for 24h use "%H:%M:%S" -- config.timestamps_format = "%I:%M:%S %p" -- -- Allow parsing in chat print functions? (chat.AddText/Player:ChatPrint/Player:PrintMessage) -- If it causes problems then disable it. -- config.parse_in_chat = true -- -- Hide language sign that appears behing emojis if you are typing in a non-English language -- config.hide_language_sign = true -- -- Enable the custom join/leave messages -- config.enable_custom_join_leave_messages = true -- -- You can use SteamID/SteamID64/Ranks -- If the first value is 'true' then anyone can use it -- config.permissions = { -- -- Who can add/remove/edit emojis & tags? -- menu = { "superadmin", "Network Manager", "Head Admin", "Head Administrator", "Developer", "Developer/Global Admin", }, -- -- Who can use rainbow texts? -- Eg. -- hi there {* everyone}! -- rainbow = { "superadmin", "Developer/Global Admin", }, -- -- Who can use flashing texts? -- Eg. -- hi there {! everyone}! -- flashing = { true, -- anyone can use this!!! }, -- -- Who can use colored texts? -- Eg. -- hi there {red Srlion}! -- hi there {#ff0000 Srlion}! -- colored_texts = { true, -- anyone can use this!!! }, -- -- Who can use custom emojis? -- custom_emojis = { true, -- anyone can use this because true is the first value!!! "superadmin", } } -- -- You can add colors that can be used in chatbox, eg. {my_new_color hi there!} -- Use something like https://www.hexcolortool.com to get hex codes! -- config.colors = { red = "f44336", pink = "E91E63", purple = "9C27B0", blue = "1773c4", cyan = "00BCD4", green = "4CAF50", yellow = "FFEB3B", orange = "FF9800", brown = "7b5804", grey = "9E9E9E", white = "E0E0E0", black = "080808" }