local MODULE = {} --Pointshop2 Basic Items MODULE.Name = "PS2 Weapons" MODULE.Author = "Kamshak" --This defines blueprints that players can use to create items. --base is the name of the class that is used as a base --creator is the name of the derma control that is used to create new items from the blueprint MODULE.Blueprints = { { label = "Insta-Weapon", base = "base_weapon_instaswitch", icon = "pointshop2/crime1.png", creator = "DWeaponCreator", tooltip = "Weapons are given on spawn and instantly when equipped. Can switch weapons during rounds." }, { label = "Perma-Weapon", base = "base_weapon", icon = "pointshop2/crime1.png", creator = "DWeaponCreator", tooltip = "Weapon is given when the player spawns. Cannot switch weapons during rounds." }, { label = "Single Use Weapon", base = "base_single_use_weapon", icon = "pointshop2/crime1.png", creator = "DSingleUseWeaponCreator", tooltip = "Weapon is are given only once when the item is used" } } MODULE.SettingButtons = { { label = "Weapon Slots", icon = "pointshop2/small43.png", control = "DWeaponSlotsConfigurator" } } MODULE.Settings = { Shared = { WeaponSlots = { info = { label = "Weapon Slots", isManualSetting = true, --Ignored by AutoAddSettingsTable }, Slots = { value = { Primary = { replaces = false }, Secondary = { replaces = false }, Knife = { replaces = "weapon_zm_improvised" } }, type = "table" } } }, Server = {} } Pointshop2.RegisterModule( MODULE )