TRADING.Theme = {} -- Pointshop Trading Theme --See the included PointshopTradingGuide.pdf for more detailed explnations --of what these settings do and how to use them. TRADING.Theme.WindowColor = Color(26, 30, 38, 255) --Main window color TRADING.Theme.ControlColor = Color( 37, 43, 55, 255 ) --Main window control color TRADING.Theme.OutlineColor = Color(191,191,191, 50) TRADING.Theme.NotifcationAccentColor = Color(72,108,143) TRADING.Theme.NotifcationErrorColor = Color(255,51,51) TRADING.Theme.NotifcationSuccessColor = Color(51,255,51) TRADING.Theme.TradePointsIcon = "icon16/money.png" TRADING.Theme.TradePointsOutlineColor = Color(51,255,102) TRADING.Theme.InventoryItemSize = 125 TRADING.Settings = {} -- -- Pointshop Trading Settings -- --Chat command to send a trade request, opens menu if no name is given, {} to disable TRADING.ChatCommands = {"!trade","/trade","trade"} --You can set the FKey binds to F1,F2,F3 or F4 and change to "" to disable FKeyBind TRADING.Settings.SelectionMenuFKey = "F4" --Invitation menu TRADING.Settings.CursorFKey = "F2" --Cursor key to accept invitations --These FKeys will only be active when there is a pending trade request --so it means these keys will not override other menus or actions. TRADING.Settings.AcceptLastTradeFKey = "F1" --Accept last trade TRADING.Settings.IgnoreLastTradeFKey = "F2" --Ignore last trade TRADING.Settings.NotificationSound = "ui/hint.wav" --Notification sound file TRADING.Settings.DefaultTradeSlots = 8 --Default empty slots in trade (more added automatically) TRADING.Settings.TradeRequestCooldown = 20 --Cooldown for sending invitations TRADING.Settings.CanTradePoints = true --Can players trade points? TRADING.Settings.JoinNotification = true --Notify players of how to trade when they join? --Enter category names to be excluded from trading and change to "" to disable --Use folder name for PS1 and display name for PS2 TRADING.Settings.ExcludeCategories = {"Uncategorized Items"} --Enter item names to be excluded from trading and change to "" to disable --Use item lua file name for PS1 and display name for PS2 TRADING.Settings.ExcludeItems = {""} --Enable trade logs (log files will output to data/pointshoptrading_logs/) (set to false to use third party log system) TRADING.Settings.EnableBuiltInLogs = true -- -- Pointshop Trading Language Strings -- TRADING.Settings.YourInventoryTitle = "Your inventory:" TRADING.Settings.YourOfferTitle = "Your offerings:" TRADING.Settings.TheirOfferTitle = "%s's offerings:" TRADING.Settings.YourSummaryTitle = "You offered:" TRADING.Settings.TheirSummaryTitle = "For %s's:" TRADING.Settings.YourOfferSubtitle = "These are the items you will lose in the trade." TRADING.Settings.TheirOfferSubtitle = "These are the items you will receive in the trade." TRADING.Settings.NoItemsStatus = "Waiting for someone to make an offer." TRADING.Settings.NotReadyStatus = "Not ready to trade." TRADING.Settings.CheckReadyStatus = "Check this box when ready to trade." TRADING.Settings.ReadyStatus = "Ready to trade." TRADING.Settings.BothNotReady = "Waiting for both parties to check the ready box." TRADING.Settings.YouNotReady = "Waiting for you to confirm your offer." TRADING.Settings.BothReady = "Both parties are ready." TRADING.Settings.MakeTrade = "Make Trade" TRADING.Settings.AwaitingConfirmation = "Waiting for the other party to confirm..." TRADING.Settings.NoItemsMessage = "You currently have 0 items in your %s inventory\nYou can purchase them from the Pointshop F3 menu." TRADING.Settings.TradeRequestMessage = "%s has sent you a trade request. Do you want to accept?" TRADING.Settings.TradeRequestSentMessage = "Your trade request has been sent to %s" TRADING.Settings.CantSendNotification = "You need to wait a while before sending another request." TRADING.Settings.ErrorNotification = "This player cannot trade currently." TRADING.Settings.PlayerNoLongerHasItems = "%s no longer has the items they entered into the trade and the trade was cancelled. No items or points were removed from your inventory." TRADING.Settings.RemoveTradeItem = "Remove from trade" TRADING.Settings.OfferChanged = "Offer changed" TRADING.Settings.ChatboxSend = "Send" TRADING.Settings.PS2ItemCantBeTraded = "This item cannot be traded" TRADING.Settings.PS2InventorySlotsFull = "%s doesn't have enough inventory space for this item." TRADING.Settings.DefaultChatBoxMessage = "Welcome to Pointshop Trading..." TRADING.Settings.TradeCancelledByOther = "%s cancelled the trade session." TRADING.Settings.TradeCancelled = "The trade session has been cancelled." TRADING.Settings.TradeConfirmed = "This trade has been confirmed and the following items have been sent to %s\nYou can review the trade below then close this window or view your inventory." TRADING.Settings.TheyAdded = "%s added " TRADING.Settings.TheyRemoved = "%s removed " TRADING.Settings.YouAdded = "You added " TRADING.Settings.YouRemoved = "You removed " TRADING.Settings.PlayerSelection = "Player Selection:" TRADING.Settings.PlayerSelectionSubtitle = "Click a player's name to send a trade request." TRADING.Settings.AddPoints = "Add %s" TRADING.Settings.AddPointsToTrade = "Add %s to Trade" TRADING.Settings.AddPointsDetails = "How many %s do you want to add to the trade? (Current Balance: %s %s)" TRADING.Settings.NotEnoughPoints = "You don't have enough %s" TRADING.Settings.SendRequest = "Send request." TRADING.Settings.PS2TradeRequest = "Trade Request" TRADING.Settings.AcceptRequest = "Accept" TRADING.Settings.IgnoreRequest = "Ignore" TRADING.Settings.CancelTrade = "Cancel Trade" TRADING.Settings.YesText = "Yes" TRADING.Settings.NoText = "No" TRADING.Settings.CancelTradeConfirmation = "Are you sure you want to cancel this trade? No items or points will be lost." TRADING.Settings.JoinNotificationFKey = "To send a trade request press %s." TRADING.Settings.JoinNotificationChatCommand = "To send a trade request type %s in chat." TRADING.Settings.OpenInventory = "Open Inventory" TRADING.Settings.CloseSummaryWindow = "Close Window" TRADING.Settings.TradeConfirmedTitle = "Trade Confirmed" TRADING.Settings.NotificationPrefix = "[POINTSHOP TRADING]" --Custom can trade function, this is called to check if a trade can be started and again --for each item added to the trade. The example function restricts trading to admin,superadmin and VIPs -- TRADING.Settings.CustomCanTradeFunction = function(ply, tradingwith, item) -- if not table.HasValue({"admin","superadmin","vip"}, ply:GetUserGroup()) then -- return false,"Only admins and VIPs can start a trade!" -- end -- return true -- end