local MODULE = {} --Pointshop2 TTT integration MODULE.Name = "TTT Integration" MODULE.Author = "Kamshak" MODULE.RestrictGamemodes = { "terrortown" } --Only load for TTT MODULE.Blueprints = {} MODULE.SettingButtons = { { label = "Point Rewards", icon = "pointshop2/hand129.png", control = "DTerrortownConfigurator" } } MODULE.Settings = {} --These are sent to the client on join MODULE.Settings.Shared = { } --These are not sent MODULE.Settings.Server = { Kills = { info = { label = "Kill Rewards" }, DelayReward = { value = true, label = "Delay Rewards until round end", tooltip = "Use this to prevent players to meta-game using the kill notifications. Kill points are collected and awarded at round end.", }, TraitorKillsInno = { value = 100, label = "Traitor kills Innocent", tooltip = "Points awarded to a traitor when he kills an innocent player", }, TraitorKillsDetective = { value = 150, label = "Traitor kills Detective", tooltip = "Points awarded to a traitor when he kills a detective", }, DetectiveKillsTraitor = { value = 200, label = "Detective kills Traitor", tooltip = "Points awarded to a detective when he kills a traitor", }, DetectiveDnaBonus = { value = 50, label = "Detective DNA Bonus", tooltip = "Additional points awarded to a detective if he had DNA on a traitor he killed" }, InnoKillsTraitor = { value = 250, label = "Innocent kills Traitor", tooltip = "Points awarded to an innocent when he kills a traitor", }, }, RoundWin = { info = { label = "Round Win Rewards" }, Innocent = { value = 300, label = "Innocents win", tooltip = "Points awarded to every innocent when they win the round" }, CleanRound = { value = 100, label = "Clean round bonus", tooltip = "Bonus given to players if they did not hurt a teammate (no karma loss)" }, InnocentAlive = { value = 100, label = "Innocent alive bonus", tooltip = "Bonus given to innocents that are alive at the end of the round", }, Traitor = { value = 300, label = "Traitors win", tooltip = "Points awarded to every traitor when they win the round" }, TraitorAlive = { value = 100, label = "Traitor alive bonus", tooltip = "Bonus given to traitors if they are alive at the end of the round" } }, Detective = { info = { label = "Detective Rewards" }, DnaFound = { value = 50, label = "DNA Found", tooltip = "Points awarded to a detective upon collecting DNA" }, }, } -- For Drops integration: Returns players that can get a drop once the round ends function MODULE.GetPlayersForDrops( ) local players = {} for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll( ) ) do if v:ShouldScore() then table.insert( players, v ) end end return players end Pointshop2.RegisterModule( MODULE ) Pointshop2.NotifyGamemodeModuleLoaded( "terrortown", MODULE )