KInventory.Items = {} --Item Registry --Load the item into a dummy ITEM table, to find out what ITEM.baseClass is local function getBaseClass( filepath ) local ITEM = class( "DummyClass" ) --gets auto garbage collected ITEM.static.AllowRPC = function() end local environment = {} environment.ITEM = ITEM setmetatable( environment, { __index = _G } ) --make sure that func can access the real _G local func = CompileFile( filepath ) if not func then KLogf( 2, " -> [ERROR] Couldn't load item file %s", filepath ) return end setfenv( func, environment ) -- _G for func now becomes environment func( ) return ITEM.baseClass end local function loadItem( filepath, filename ) --Check filename format local realm = string.sub( filename, 1, 2 ) if ( realm != "sh" and realm != "cl" and realm != "sv" ) or filename[3] != "_" then KLogf( 2, "[ERROR] Item %s has an invalid realm %s! Please name your file sh_/cl_/sv_item_name.lua", filepath, realm ) return end local withoutRealm = string.sub( filename, 4, #filename ) withoutRealm = string.lower( withoutRealm ) withoutRealm = string.gsub( withoutRealm, "^%d+_", "" ) --Remove load order e.g. sv_0_itembase.lua local className = string.gsub( withoutRealm, ".lua", "" ) local internalName = "KInventory.Items." .. className local baseItem = KInventory.Item local baseClassName = getBaseClass( filepath ) if baseClassName then baseItem = KInventory.Items[baseClassName] if not baseItem then KLogf( 2, " -> [ERROR] Invalid base %s for item %s", baseClassName, className ) return end end --Set up the environment for the function local environment = {} --Create a new Class for each item class KInventory.Items[className] = class( internalName, getClass( ) ) KInventory.Items[className].static.className = className --make it accessible via ITEM environment.ITEM = KInventory.Items[className] setmetatable( environment, { __index = _G } ) --make sure that func can access the real _G local func = CompileFile( filepath ) if not func then KLogf( 2, " -> [ERROR] Couldn't load item file %s", filename ) KInventory.Items[className] = nil --remove the class return end setfenv( func, environment ) -- _G for func now becomes environment func( ) KInventory.ApplyMixins(className) --lastly give the class it's className. Internal classname can be accessed with .name KInventory.Items[className].static.className = className KInventory.Items[className].static.originFilePath = filepath if string.find( filename, "_base_" ) then KInventory.Items[className].static.isBase = true else KInventory.Items[className].static.isBase = false -- Give file generated things an uuid for static icons local disallowed = {"/", "\\", ".", " "} local uid = filepath for k, v in pairs(disallowed) do uid = string.Replace(uid, v, "_") end KInventory.Items[className].static.UUID = uid end KLogf( 4, " -> Item %s (Base: %s) loaded!", className, baseItem.className or "No Base" ) end local function includeFolder( folder ) local files, folders = file.Find( folder .. "/*", "LUA" ) for k, filename in pairs( files ) do local realmPrefix = string.sub( filename, 1, 2 ) local fullpath = folder .. "/" .. filename if SERVER and ( realmPrefix == "sh" or realmPrefix == "cl" ) then AddCSLuaFile( fullpath ) end loadItem( fullpath, filename ) end for k, v in pairs( folders ) do includeFolder( folder .. "/" .. v ) end end function KInventory.loadAllItems() includeFolder( "kinv/items" ) end