--A net extension which allows sending large streams of data without overflowing the reliable channel --Keep it in lua/autorun so it will be shared between addons AddCSLuaFile() net.Stream = {} net.Stream.ReadStreamQueues = {} --This holds a read stream for each player, or one read stream for the server if running on the CLIENT net.Stream.WriteStreams = {} --This holds the write streams net.Stream.SendSize = 20000 --This is the maximum size of each stream to send net.Stream.Timeout = 30 --How long the data should exist in the store without being used before being destroyed net.Stream.MaxServerReadStreams = 128 --The maximum number of keep-alives to have queued. This should prevent naughty players from flooding the network with keep-alive messages. net.Stream.MaxServerChunks = 3200 --Maximum number of pieces the stream can send to the server. 64 MB net.Stream.MaxTries = 3 --Maximum times the client may retry downloading the whole data net.Stream.MaxKeepalive = 15 --Maximum times the client may request data stay live net.Stream.ReadStream = {} --Send the data sender a request for data function net.Stream.ReadStream:Request() if self.downloads == net.Stream.MaxTries * self.numchunks then self:Remove() return end self.downloads = self.downloads + 1 -- print("Requesting",self.identifier,false,false,#self.chunks) net.Start("NetStreamRequest") net.WriteUInt(self.identifier, 32) net.WriteBit(false) net.WriteBit(false) net.WriteUInt(#self.chunks, 32) if CLIENT then net.SendToServer() else net.Send(self.player) end timer.Create("NetStreamReadTimeout" .. self.identifier, net.Stream.Timeout/2, 1, function() self:Request() end) end --Received data so process it function net.Stream.ReadStream:Read(size) timer.Remove("NetStreamReadTimeout" .. self.identifier) local progress = net.ReadUInt(32) if self.chunks[progress] then return end local crc = net.ReadString() local data = net.ReadData(size) if crc == util.CRC(data) then self.chunks[progress] = data end if #self.chunks == self.numchunks then self.returndata = table.concat(self.chunks) if self.compressed then self.returndata = util.Decompress(self.returndata) end self:Remove() else self:Request() end end --Gets the download progress function net.Stream.ReadStream:GetProgress() return #self.chunks/self.numchunks end --Pop the queue and start the next task function net.Stream.ReadStream:Remove() local ok, err = xpcall(self.callback, debug.traceback, self.returndata) if not ok then ErrorNoHalt(err) end net.Start("NetStreamRequest") net.WriteUInt(self.identifier, 32) net.WriteBit(false) net.WriteBit(true) if CLIENT then net.SendToServer() else net.Send(self.player) end timer.Remove("NetStreamReadTimeout" .. self.identifier) timer.Remove("NetStreamKeepAlive" .. self.identifier) if self == self.queue[1] then table.remove(self.queue, 1) local nextInQueue = self.queue[1] if nextInQueue then timer.Remove("NetStreamKeepAlive" .. nextInQueue.identifier) nextInQueue:Request() else net.Stream.ReadStreamQueues[self.player] = nil end else for k, v in ipairs(self.queue) do if v == self then table.remove(self.queue, k) break end end end end net.Stream.ReadStream.__index = net.Stream.ReadStream net.Stream.WriteStream = {} -- The player wants some data function net.Stream.WriteStream:Write(ply) local progress = net.ReadUInt(32)+1 local chunk = self.chunks[progress] if chunk then self.clients[ply].progress = progress net.Start("NetStreamDownload") net.WriteUInt(#chunk.data, 32) net.WriteUInt(progress, 32) net.WriteString(chunk.crc) net.WriteData(chunk.data, #chunk.data) if CLIENT then net.SendToServer() else net.Send(ply) end end end -- The player notified us they finished downloading or cancelled function net.Stream.WriteStream:Finished(ply) self.clients[ply].finished = true if self.callback then local ok, err = xpcall(self.callback, debug.traceback, ply) if not ok then ErrorNoHalt(err) end end end -- Get player's download progress function net.Stream.WriteStream:GetProgress(ply) return self.clients[ply].progress / #self.chunks end -- If the stream owner cancels it, notify everyone who is subscribed function net.Stream.WriteStream:Remove() local sendTo = {} for ply, client in pairs(self.clients) do if not client.finished then client.finished = true if ply:IsValid() then sendTo[#sendTo+1] = ply end end end net.Start("NetStreamDownload") net.WriteUInt(0, 32) net.WriteUInt(self.identifier, 32) if SERVER then net.Send(sendTo) else net.SendToServer() end net.Stream.WriteStreams[self.identifier] = nil end net.Stream.WriteStream.__index = net.Stream.WriteStream --Store the data and write the file info so receivers can request it. local identifier = 1 function net.WriteStream(data, callback, dontcompress) if not isstring(data) then error("bad argument #1 to 'WriteStream' (string expected, got " .. type(data) .. ")", 2) end if callback ~= nil and not isfunction(callback) then error("bad argument #2 to 'WriteStream' (function expected, got " .. type(callback) .. ")", 2) end local compressed = not dontcompress if compressed then data = util.Compress(data) or "" end if #data == 0 then net.WriteUInt(0, 32) return end local numchunks = math.ceil(#data / net.Stream.SendSize) if CLIENT and numchunks > net.Stream.MaxServerChunks then ErrorNoHalt("net.WriteStream request is too large! ", #data/1048576, "MiB") net.WriteUInt(0, 32) return end local chunks = {} for i=1, numchunks do local datachunk = string.sub(data, (i - 1) * net.Stream.SendSize + 1, i * net.Stream.SendSize) chunks[i] = { data = datachunk, crc = util.CRC(datachunk), } end local startid = identifier while net.Stream.WriteStreams[identifier] do identifier = identifier % 1024 + 1 if identifier == startid then ErrorNoHalt("Netstream is full of WriteStreams!") net.WriteUInt(0, 32) return end end local stream = { identifier = identifier, chunks = chunks, compressed = compressed, numchunks = numchunks, callback = callback, clients = setmetatable({},{__index = function(t,k) local r = { finished = false, downloads = 0, keepalives = 0, progress = 0, } t[k]=r return r end}) } setmetatable(stream, net.Stream.WriteStream) net.Stream.WriteStreams[identifier] = stream timer.Create("NetStreamWriteTimeout" .. identifier, net.Stream.Timeout, 1, function() stream:Remove() end) net.WriteUInt(numchunks, 32) net.WriteUInt(identifier, 32) net.WriteBool(compressed) return stream end --If the receiver is a player then add it to a queue. --If the receiver is the server then add it to a queue for each individual player function net.ReadStream(ply, callback) if CLIENT then ply = NULL else if type(ply) ~= "Player" then error("bad argument #1 to 'ReadStream' (Player expected, got " .. type(ply) .. ")", 2) elseif not ply:IsValid() then error("bad argument #1 to 'ReadStream' (Tried to use a NULL entity!)", 2) end end if not isfunction(callback) then error("bad argument #2 to 'ReadStream' (function expected, got " .. type(callback) .. ")", 2) end local queue = net.Stream.ReadStreamQueues[ply] if queue then if SERVER and #queue == net.Stream.MaxServerReadStreams then ErrorNoHalt("Receiving too many ReadStream requests from ", ply) return end else queue = {} net.Stream.ReadStreamQueues[ply] = queue end local numchunks = net.ReadUInt(32) if numchunks == nil then return elseif numchunks == 0 then local ok, err = xpcall(callback, debug.traceback, "") if not ok then ErrorNoHalt(err) end return end if SERVER and numchunks > net.Stream.MaxServerChunks then ErrorNoHalt("ReadStream requests from ", ply, " is too large! ", numchunks * net.Stream.SendSize / 1048576, "MiB") return end local identifier = net.ReadUInt(32) local compressed = net.ReadBool() --print("Got info", numchunks, identifier, compressed) for _, v in ipairs(queue) do if v.identifier == identifier then ErrorNoHalt("Tried to start a new ReadStream for an already existing stream!") return end end local stream = { identifier = identifier, chunks = {}, compressed = compressed, numchunks = numchunks, callback = callback, queue = queue, player = ply, downloads = 0 } setmetatable(stream, net.Stream.ReadStream) queue[#queue + 1] = stream if #queue > 1 then timer.Create("NetStreamKeepAlive" .. identifier, net.Stream.Timeout / 2, 0, function() net.Start("NetStreamRequest") net.WriteUInt(identifier, 32) net.WriteBit(true) if CLIENT then net.SendToServer() else net.Send(ply) end end) else stream:Request() end return stream end if SERVER then util.AddNetworkString("NetStreamRequest") util.AddNetworkString("NetStreamDownload") end --Stream data is requested net.Receive("NetStreamRequest", function(len, ply) local identifier = net.ReadUInt(32) local stream = net.Stream.WriteStreams[identifier] if stream then ply = ply or NULL local client = stream.clients[ply] if not client.finished then local keepalive = net.ReadBit() == 1 if keepalive then if client.keepalives < net.Stream.MaxKeepalive then client.keepalives = client.keepalives + 1 timer.Adjust("NetStreamWriteTimeout" .. identifier, net.Stream.Timeout, 1) end else local completed = net.ReadBit() == 1 if completed then stream:Finished(ply) else if client.downloads < net.Stream.MaxTries * #stream.chunks then client.downloads = client.downloads + 1 stream:Write(ply) timer.Adjust("NetStreamWriteTimeout" .. identifier, net.Stream.Timeout, 1) else client.finished = true end end end end end end) --Download the stream data net.Receive("NetStreamDownload", function(len, ply) ply = ply or NULL local queue = net.Stream.ReadStreamQueues[ply] if queue then local size = net.ReadUInt(32) if size > 0 then queue[1]:Read(size) else local id = net.ReadUInt(32) for k, v in ipairs(queue) do if v.identifier == id then v:Remove() break end end end end end)