THANKS!!! Hallo, and thanks for purchasing my addon! Here you can find answers for all (i hope :D) your questions. If not, you can create ticket at or write me at TABLE OF CONTENT 1.Downloading settings 2. HUD main settings 3. Themes setting 4. If you have troubles 5. Additional things DOWNLOADING SETTINGS If you are not using custom themes except default, you don't need to do anything. If you want to use fastdl go to addonfolder\lua\autorun\sv_adder.lua Set EnableDefaultThemesWorkshopdownload to false Set EnableFastDLThemesdownload to true After that, every file in materials\themeX folder will aftomatically downloaded to clients through yor FASTDL If you want to use workshop download, then just add resource.AddWorkshop( "youraddonworkshopnumber" ) to sv_adder.lua (you can add it to first string). HUD MAIN SETTINGS You will find main settings at cl_hud file (addonfolder\lua\gamemode\cl_hud.lua) playersettings Turn it on if you wish player choose theme and clock position by themself mid_clocks Turn it off if you want to make clock appears right under HUD (bottom left) syourkiller Shows your killer when it kills you killtext Text appears when you killed by someone killtext_nocase Text appears when player suicides or get propkilled AdvacedTTThudmodule Turn it on if you have AdvacedTTT to enable stamina hud panel Maniac Turn it on only if you are using Horo's maniac additional role addon. If you have AdvancedTTT If you have doubled stamina bar then go to advancedtttfolder\client\cl_advancedttt.lua and change local shouldDraw = hook.Call("HUDShouldDraw", GAMEMODE, "WAdvancedTTTStamina") to local shouldDraw = false THEMES SETTINGS To create theme you must to open cl_hud file (addonfolder\lua\gamemode\cl_hud.lua) You must to set name and enable it. REMEMBER! Use png files for avatar icons. (150x150 is recommended) If you want to know color RGB code enter this site: If you want to edit theme you can do it while you in game. But do not edit themename when you have players in your server! If you add material do not forget to add it to fastdl or workshop. If you add material to your local client you must to rejoin gmod. If you change theme name, some players will probobly have errors. Just say them to relog and it will never happens again untill you changes themename again. (i'll fix this in future updates). Do not forget: if you want to set color then use Color(red, green, blue, alpha) (use number except words). if you want to set material then use Material( "materials/HoroHUD/ThemeX/filename" ). Then start to edit. healthcolor Color of healthbar ammocolor Color of ammobar background Health, ammo background color shadowcolor Color of text and bar shadows staminacolor Color of stamina bar (Need only if you are using AdvancedTTT) fontcolor Color of all fonts darkfontc Inactive weapon slot font color notificationfontc Color Notification font (when you pickup weapons or ammo) So start to setting up colors for roles xuppercolor upper color (bright) for HUD xbottomcolor bottom color (dark) for HUD xicon path to role icon material. It's PNG file. 150x150 recomended. xstatecolor Roundstate bar color. ADDITIONAL THINGS I've created icons template for photoshop and added them to addonname\Additional materials folder. IF YOU HAVE TROUBLES I'm so sorry if you have troubles with my addon :(( If you find any errors, bugs or other shitty stuff just create ticket at scriptfodder or write me at P.S I'm sooo sorry for my bad english. So if you will find any mistakes here (at readme) or at settings, please write me :3